Virginia Oil and Gas Association

Virginia Oil and Gas Association specializes in Oil and Gas with 1 employees
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About Virginia Oil and Gas Association
Energy is critical to our economy, our high standard of living and our national security. Natural gas heats our homes, provides electricity to light and cool our schools and businesses and can even power vehicles. The Virginia Oil and Gas Association supports and encourages the development of these resources in a safe and environmentally sound manner. Formed in 1977 the Virginia Oil and Gas Association is a non-profit trade assocation representing the interests of companies, partnerships, individuals or other entities having an interest in the oil and gas industry and who are primarily engaged in the exploration, production, development, transportation and distribution of natural gas and oil in Virginia. This includes the following categories of activities that shall be eligible for membership in the Association: (1) exploration, production and development; (2) contracting; (3) service, supply, sales or similar activities; (4) transmission and distribution by pipeline; (5) providing professional or educational services or aiding or promoting in any way whatsoever the welfare and interest of the industry.
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Oil and Gas
HQ Location
Abingdon, US
Exploration of natural gas and oilProduction of natural gas and oilDevelopment of natural gas and oil resourcesContracting services for oil and gas industryService and supply activities for oil and gas industryTransmission of natural gas and oil by pipelineDistribution of natural gas and oilProfessional services for oil and gas industryEducational services for oil and gas industry
oiltural gasenergy
Virginia Oil and Gas Association Location
  • Abingdon, US

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