Vinston is an English Second Language (ESL) training company and service provider based in Changsha, China. Since our founding, we have become a one-of-a-kind language service provider, with a student body of over 5000. At Vinston, we pride ourselves in offering a fully immersive English language and cultural experience to all of our students, and seek to impart knowledge, develop skills and forge lifelong friendships. We recruit passionate native English speakers from across the world and offer them the opportunity to experience China in a dynamic and versatile company, that is changing the face of the ESL industry.
At Vinston, we recognize that every one of our team members is unique, with a set of skills greater than simply being able to speak English. Therefore, we strongly believe in creating positions that fit each of our team members’ exceptional profiles and talents. This is an investment also in the passions of our diverse employees to ultimately create a specialized and authentic educational experience for our students.
Vinston是一家提供非母语英语课程的培训公司和语言服务提供商,总部设在中国长沙。自成立以来,我们已成为长沙独一无二的语言服务提供商,目前在读学生群体人数超过 5000。在Vinston,我们为所有学生提供了全浸泡式的英语语言环境和文化体验,教师向学生传授知识、帮助其发展技能并培养终身友谊,这些都让我们引以为豪。Vinston聘请了来自世界各国富有工作热情的英语母语国外教,为他们提供了一个在充满活力的多元化公司中感受中国的机会,而我们做的这一切正改变着 ESL行业面貌。
在 Vinston,我们意识到团队的每一位成员都是独一无二的,他们拥有的技能远不只是简单地会说英语而已。因此,我们坚持根据团队每位成员的特征和才能为其匹配最适合的岗位。这是我们对员工的投资,也是温斯顿多元化教师团队工作热情的来源,而这也将最终转换成教学力,为我们的学生创造专业而真实的教育体验。
Vinston is a subsidiary of Hunan Sidun Education and Technology.