In the early nineties, two teenage boys started catching cleanerfish for local salmon farmers. At the time they only did it for fun and the love for fishing, but as it turned out this was a brand new way to solve problems with keeping the salmon free of parasites. Better still, it was the only environmentally sound alternative. The boys soon realised the potential for a viable business idea, and in 1995 they founded Villa Leppefisk ANS.
At present the Villa Corporation is a fully integrated fishfarmer in Norway with control of the entire value chain. From the roe to the finished and processed product.
Our vision is to be the natural and preferred choice of sustainable and organic salmon products. We exclusively produce sustainable and organic salmon, and our production is located on the northwest coast and in the northeast part of Norway.
Villa Organic deliver Organic Salmon and Best Practice Salmon to markets all around the world. The sales company Villa Sales AS provide value added products as portions to retail through the factory Romsdal Processing as well as varieties of fresh and frozen fillets and head on/off gutted frozen and fresh salmon.