Since 2000, has been reuniting and supporting U.S. military veterans. We currently have over 2,000,000 members reconnecting nationwide and an online store offering over 10,000 military-themed apparel & gift items.
With the powerful notion of "reuniting" in mind, offers services such as a member database to contact your military brothers and sisters, house reunion info, provide a community message board for military units, post photos and share military jokes, obtain information on how to receive medals, military records and more. is devoted to honoring, supporting, and reuniting veterans and active military of the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps, Coast Guard, Space Force, and National Guard -- all heroes of our nation.
Over the years, VetFriends has built up a huge selection of military and patriotic hats, challenge coins, patches, pins, flags, apparel & so much more.