Versteijnen Logistics

Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage, Road haulage, tanker, Transportation and logistics services · 201 Employees
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As a logistics service provider Versteijnen constantly seeks to create tailored solutions and added value for its customers. Our many years of experience make it possible for us to offer our customers the highest possible level of service. Founded in 1947, the company has grown, both in the Netherlands and abroad, into a highly reliable player that has nevertheless always been able to retain the informal character of a close family business. Smart solutions Versteijnen specialises in smart solutions for transport and warehousing. We are always happy to take as much work as possible off your hands. To achieve this, we make use of the best professionals in the field, supported by advanced information systems and our ISO 9001:2000 quality system. the + in your logistics. Versteijnen has made a name for itself as a leader in the logistics market. Creating added value is a basic premise for each and every service offered to our customers. No matter the nature, scope or diversity of the order: we assign the highest priority to going that extra mile, never hesitating to accept a complex order! As soon as an order becomes more complicated, Versteijnen’s added value becomes more evident. Our aim is clear. To be the + in your logistics.
Year Founded
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Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage, Road haulage, tanker, Transportation and logistics services, Transport & Logistics, Road haulage, part loads, Management, Scientific, and Technical Consulting Services, Services
HQ Location
Zeusstraat 3 Tilburg, 5048 CA, NL
Transport en opslag van (non) ADR goederenTransport van hoogwaardigediefstalgevoelige producten.Transport van dierlijke eiwitten cat. 3Gespecialiseerd in tijdleveringenTransport en opslag van zonnepanelenMogelijkheid om goederen temperatuur gecontroleerd (verwarmd) te vervoerenExperts in e-commerceB2B & B2CKooiaap/klep leveringen
  • Zeusstraat 3 Tilburg, 5048 CA, NL
  • Zeusstraat 3 Székesfehérvar, 8000, HU
  • Ikervari utca Sárvár, 9600, HU

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Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage, Road haulage, tanker, Transportation and logistics services

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