Information Technology
Versacom has a very large resource pool to draw from in staffing your IT needs.
Please refer to the CISV Catalog for a sample of our offerings. The rates here are only indicative and we will match your pricing requirements to earn your business.
Many service providers and RF Engineering departments find it challenging to respond to market development and constantly changing technology needs and initiatives using only internal staff. VERSACOM helps you quickly respond to technology initiatives by strategically acquiring skills and cost effectively managing available resources.
We empower your organization to deliver on your rollout objectives by quickly and efficiently giving you the brainpower of highly trained Telecom consultants and specialists. Reliable, innovative Telecom professionals from VERSACOM can help you take your company to the next level yet give you the flexibility to take on your greatest challenges without the expense, delay or inconvenience of lengthy recruiting and assessment processes.
We can support your needs in a variety of different areas and specialties, including:
GSM Cell site Optimization
Drive Testing
WCDMA/UMTS/CDMA Cell site Optimization
GSM/TDMA Installation, Testing and Integration
Network Engineering and Administration
Project Management
Operation & Maintenance (O&M)