The Vermont Community Garden Network’s mission is to support & grow the state’s vibrant network of community and school gardens.
Our core mission goals are:
To increase public access to community gardening resources
To develop outreach, education, and service-learning programs to cultivate and sustain community-based gardens
To ensure that under-served groups have equal opportunities for community, school, and neighborhood gardening
To cultivate political support for community-based gardening through networking, advocacy, and activism
Our vision for Vermont
We envision a vibrant local food system where Vermonters of all ages experience the benefits of community, school, and neighborhood gardening and become healthier through improved diets, exercise, and positive social interactions.
How we accomplish our mission through citywide and statewide advocacy, we help people to envision and support a thriving network of community, school, and neighborhood gardens accessible to Vermonters of diverse ages, abilities, and cultural backgrounds.
Through partnerships with other nonprofit organizations, parks and recreation departments, Master Gardeners, schools and colleges, and civic and faith-based groups, we empower people through gardening.
Through this website, we share information and resources, locally and globally, to foster a supportive climate for community, school, and neighborhood gardening.
Through local and statewide workshops, training programs, and networking, we offer technical assistance to individuals and groups working to establish sustainable community-based gardens.
Through garden-based education, outreach, and farm-to-school programs, we help the people of our city and state build self-reliance and interdependence through community gardening.
Through support of anti-hunger initiatives, we encourage gardeners to give back by sharing their garden produce, skills, knowledge, and dedication with others.