Veridica is focusing on monitoring, analyzing and debunking fake news, disinformation and manipulation campaigns in Central and Eastern Europe, in an increasingly fluid geopolitical context.
The project was launched in 2020, in the context of the COVID-19 infodemic, is supported by the Romanian Journalists International Alliance (AIJR) and carried out together with journalists, experts and researchers from Central and Eastern Europe, with the support of non-governmental organizations and diplomatic missions from Bucharest and CSR initiatives of the companies that have chosen to be our partners.
Our aim is to increase the degree of awareness and understanding of this phenomenon among our readers.
Veridica's board includes experts and academics from Romania, Moldova and Ukraine, the core-team is made up of journalists from Romania, Republic of Moldova and Ukraine while our contributors include journalists and experts from Bulgaria, Poland, Serbia, Hungary, Ukraine, Turkey and Czech Republic.
Proiectul a fost lansat în contextul crizei sanitare și infodemiei, este asumat de asociația Alianța Internațională a Jurnaliștilor Români și realizat împreună cu jurnaliști, experți și cercetători din Europa Centrală și de Est, cu susținerea unor organizații neguvernamentale și reprezentanțe diplomatice de la București și implicarea socială a companiilor care au ales să ne fie parteneri.