Because it is an efficient process, using far more of the available energy in a fuel than either traditional power or heat generation methods, CHP is inherently better for the environment. Rather than escape up the chimney, the excess heat produced during the combustion process can be used to provide hot water or drive an absorption chiller for air conditioning.
With Veolia’s lean burn technology and computerised generator engine management systems CHP becomes even more cost-effective, energy efficient and environmentally friendly. Each unit of heat and power generated using a Veolia system means less CO2 released to the atmosphere. And by producing electricity where it is needed, rather than in a remote power station there are no transmission losses. Environment
There has been much scientific analysis and thinking which directly blames high CO2 emissions in the industrial world for global warming. By the Kyoto Agreement many countries in the developed world have set targets for the reduction of CO2 emissions. Greater use of CHP would contribute significantly to protecting the environment by reducing CO2 emissons. For example, a Cogenco 725kWe unit fuelled by standard natural gas shows an annual saving of 1500 tonnes of CO2 over conventional electricity generation of gas-fired boilers.
Direct financial benefits
There is a clear economic argument for using Veolia CHP systems, with cheaper heat and power from day one and amortisation of capital investment in as little as two years. Indeed, using Veolia's leasing options it is possible simply to pay for the power used without making any capital investment – and with the cost agreed in advance you can be certain that you are saving money. Please contact Veolia and allow us to conduct an energy use audit and calculation of saving if you switch to CHP. In most cases the feasibility studies are carried out FREE of charge