VEFES - Your Solar Asset Manager. We give you an opportunity to Invest in Solar Energy & Become a Power Producer. You can now Own Solar Assets while earning healthy returns.
VEFES acts as an aggregator that simplifies the task of Solar Investors for Power Production by connecting Power Producers with Solar Power Park companies which provides them access to common infrastructure and evacuation of energy. We efficiently manage and maintain solar power assets to ensure timely Returns.
The Solar Power Park company - Namitech Livania, functions as an aggregator by procuring power from Individual Power Producers (IPPs) and selling that power to 3rd-party Open Access consumers. The Namitech Livania, a 25 MW Solar Power Park is located at Solapur, Maharashtra, India. It is based on the Asset-light model with bare minimum expenses. Participants for the initial 5MW portion of the project will be offered 5% of Equity in the company. Further issue of Equity after 5MW development would be based on the upgraded value of the company at that particular time.
VEFES is following the path towards Sustainable living by providing an opportunity to Invest in Clean Energy while earning consistent Returns.
We Invite each one of you to - Join The Revolution with Us!