The Cyrus and Priya Vandrevala Foundation is a non-profit that partners with organizations to help communities thrive by providing education and healthcare.
Vandrevala Foundation operates a free helpline on telephone and WhatsApp in India for anyone struggling to cope. We are India’s only free, 24x7x365 crisis intervention service that is available on telephone and WhatsApp. Recently we added Free Group therapy sessions on 15-plus topics and have been drawing lots of participation from the public and therapist
We have had more than 1.5 million conversations to date, with people who are anxious, stressed, suicidal, or overwhelmed and need in-the-moment support.
If you are passionate that no one should face a mental health crisis alone, you're in the right place. Our service relies on your partnership either as an employee or volunteer. As an employee or volunteer, you will take WhatsApp or telephone conversations with people struggling to cope. You will be supported by supervisors as you work to take someone in distress to a calmer moment, empowering them to take their next step towards feeling better. You will receive skills you can use to either move to our Paid Counselling platform where you can run your own business in counselling or use these skills in all walks of life. To learn more, please contact us at