Bio Gro's roots were established in 1975 by the late founder Hans Van Schaik. We are a leading innovator at first by capturing timber mill by-product from the Green Triangle region and have continued to progressively innovate across now a range of organic waste and plant growth sectors providing important close-the-loop solutions through organic resource recovery.
We capture the full potential of the resource stream by professionally processing and converting the material into a variety of high quality and nutrient rich products, tailored for a wide range of horticultural, viticultural, and agricultural applications.
The recent introduction of processing Food Organics Garden Organics (FOGO) has significant environmental benefits by further reducing the amount of organic material being delivered to landfill, to then refining and reapplying this material across a number of market sectors.
This all results in a business model which provides circular economic outcomes through recovering, refining, and reapplying quality products from organics as we continue to broaden our organic waste recovery capability and end market diversification.
Ever mindful of our environmental footprint, sustainability at Bio Gro plays an increasingly important role in our business toward carbon neutrality and also how we go about innovating for the future.
What we save through landfill diversion, the emissions we emit as part of our processing and practices, and what we are putting back into plant regeneration are all vital toward improving our climate’s position.
Bio Gro understands that making the small changes we need to make today helps achieve our vision toward a greener more sustainable future of