VSI Meter Services, Inc. (VSI) is one of the largest meter services firms in the world, servicing electric, gas and water utilities, municipalities and meter manufacturers. VSI is a leader in providing turnkey outsourcing solutions, technical support and customer service that results in consistent improvement in our clients' operating efficiency, bottom line and customer satisfaction levels. A thorough knowledge of the industry and extensive experience in developing a well-trained and managed workforce ensures our ability to meet a variety of metering needs.
VSI specializes in meter reading, meter installation, Automatic Meter Reading / Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMR / AMI) deployment projects and related services. Our company is a wholly-owned subsidiary of UtiliCon Solutions, Ltd., which is an Asplundh company. VSI uses the latest customer-service processes, installation tools and data-transfer processes to ensure an efficient project. We have automated more than eight million meters and we read over 10 million meters each year. This experience gives VSI a knowledge base that is unsurpassed in the industry