VSH United the dependable engine in varying business branches: Trading, Shipping & Transport, Steel Construction, Foods, Real Estate, Investment and Detergents. Through associated companies, VSH UNITED is also involved in the insurance and hotel business.
We are operating in 4 countries: Suriname (headquarters), Guyana, the United States of America and the Netherlands.
The headquarters in Paramaribo, Suriname provide the strategy, the financial and administrative services and acts as a legal and human resource counsel for all the 14 subsidiaries, which are independent operation companies.
Our daily operations for all our companies are guided by our core values:
Your Success is our desire
VSH United focuses on long-term and fruitful relationships with mutual benefits for both sides. That is why we do not focus on selling. Instead we focus on helping customers, partners and shareholders build their sustainable success. Our customers, partners and shareholders are part of the VSH ‘family’ for long-term and ever growing relations.
Trust in our relationships and personally responsible for all our actions
Even though VSH United is a big company, we stand for customized service. The relationship with our customers, partners and shareholders is a personal one because this is how we create trust, an important aim in our business activities. By having one-on-one relations, we produdly carry the responsibility for our individual actions.
Creating a better company for a better world
With a greater focus on social and planetary responsibilities and how our actions today impact those around us, now and in the future, we are continuously working to improve health-, environmental- and social funding policies.