VS Veicoli Speciali is a bench mark in Italy and abroad in the field of street food truck and van bodies. Our strength lies in understanding customer requirements and translating them into a food truck and all the other types of special vehicles we make. Attention to detail, ergonomic criteria, sturdiness, high quality design: these are some of the features that characterise our vehicles.
VS Veicoli Speciali designs and fits out street food trucks, advertising vehicles and mobile shops on wheels. Over the years, we have evolved from the creation of traditional retail vehicles, like the typical hot dog truck or sandwich van, to the design of special vehicles with a focus on ergonomy and top-notch materials.
In Italy and abroad we sell vehicles designed to last, appreciated for their beauty and functionality. We provide below a few examples of food trucks, catering vans and ape cars, as well as trailer shops. Get in touch with us, discover what makes every our mobile food truck truly unique.
Street food and retail projects that enhance the value of your products and your brands
Layouts conceived to help you work effectively, always at ease aboard your vehicle
Vehicles designed to be used by everyone: a smart and versatile approach
The solutions used make our vehicles strong, hard-wearing and easy to maintain.
Automotive, Internal combustion engines, Engines and mechanical parts, Metals, Machinery & Engineering, Motor vehicle transmission parts and spare parts, Means of transport, Transport & Logistics, Passenger cars, Electrical installation contractors, Building industry
HQ Location
Corso Lombardia, 69
San Mauro, Torino 10099, IT
food truckstreet foodfood vanfood trailerstreet vending vehiclescommercial vehiclespromotional vehiclesPiaggio vanfood apecarPiaggio food truck