VIP is the study association for Psychology students at the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen. The association was founded in 1981 and has grown rapidly since. VIP organizes both study-related and social activities and strives to be a great addition to the studying period of every psychology-student at our faculty. With more than 1800 members, VIP has become a community combining aspects of fun, learning and ambition in over more than 90 activities every year such as In-house days at interesting companies, lectures on Psychology-related topics and Think Tanks were students try their hand at actual cases presented by companies. On this page, you can stay in touch with other members of VIP (current members and alumni).
Are you a VIP-member or alumnus? Join the exclusive VIP Career Group to stay in touch with other students and alumni. Ask questions and connect to boost your career! Are you a representative of a company or organization? Get in touch with the current board of VIP for opportunities to make yourself known among the next generation of talented psychologists!