The Valley Industry Association is a collaborative business-to-business membership organization that connects, empowers, and supports the Santa Clarita Valley business community through advocacy, education, and innovation.
If you are currently doing business in Santa Clarita or are considering moving your business here, VIA is the conduit to business connections in the Santa Clarita Valley. As a member of VIA, you will be plugged in to the SCV business community and unlimited business resources such as:
- Collaborating with CEOs and business owners to address common business/community issues and develop solutions.
- Numerous networking opportunities with potential customers and vendors including our monthly VIA in Action Breakfast, luncheons and quarterly open houses.
- Employee training in conjunction College of the Canyon’s Employee Training Institute.Access to key business information such as newsletters and email blasts on crucial business information.
- A voice in city and state government on regulatory issues such as transportation, business taxes, water allocation and workman’s compensation.
- Alliances with business partners and community groups… and much more!