Powered by Utah's REALTORS® – UtahRealEstate.com is Utah's largest Multiple Listing Service, and one of the largest MLS services in the United States. We are proud to serve over 93% of the REALTORS® in the state of Utah.
Real estate listings displayed on UtahRealEstate.com are accurate, up-to-date, and prominently highlight the REALTOR® who is listing the property. Our goal is to help our members be successful by providing reliable, effective, and meaningful software and support services.
When a REALTOR® acquires a property listing, the next step is to take the listing to the market. A Multiple Listing Service is a cooperative tool and service that helps REALTORS® sell the property for the best price at the appropriate time for their clients. When a REALTOR® inputs a listing into the MLS, it will be broadcasted to our entire REALTOR® subscriber base. The listing is also made available to the general public through our website, UtahRealEstate.com and on the websites of our REALTOR® subscribers who display listings through the MLS' Internet Data Exchange (IDX) program.