Urban Techies is a community of city builders with a passion for creating impactful solutions towards smart and sustainable cities of tomorrow.
Bi-monthly socials: Hobnob with like-minded people at the intersection of urbanism and technology across mobility, housing, civictech, proptech, and more. Whether you're a developer, designer, entrepreneur, or simply curious about the latest urban tech trends, we want to meet you! No pitches, no presentations, no agenda - just interesting people for interesting conversations.
Whatsapp Community: Join our whatsapp group of over 100 members in this space. Visit the website and follow the link there.
Quarterly Newsletters: industry insights, musings, and events. Believe it or not, it is not written by AI but a human (yours truly).
Urban Techies is a community of city builders with a passion for creating impactful solutions towards smart and sustainable cities of tomorrow.
Join our community today: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1-HgAOOrKM3MRxJIZjSBT67yTfd0ZEI25t7sZdcw1D-E/edit