Urban Realm is a publisher and events provider specialising in architecture and design. We speak your language to help break down barriers between professions and the broader public.
At Urban Realm we aim to:
* Be the voice of architecture in Scotland
* Provide a platform for the industry to debate the issues of the day
* Be a vital source of information on products and services
* To remind the world at large that good design adds value not cost
High design values
Print might be dying elsewhere but at Urban Realm it is alive and kicking with our quarterly magazine and architecture. Our colourful, vibrant and contemporary publications embody high design and production values that cannot be replicated online. We target hearts and minds not just clicks.
Blanket coverage
Urban Realm is targeted at readers who have a serious interest in architecture, whether that is the buildings themselves, the clients and communities they serve or the people that work with, for or supply the profession. As a result, Urban Realm serves a variety of markets:
Urban Realm lands on the doormat of every architectural practice in Scotland making it a coffee table staple.
Get the jump on what's happening near you with our daily diet of planning applications online. We do the legwork to bring you all you need to know in one place.
Developers & clients
Urban Realm is sent out to leading developers, planning authorities, housing associations, private specifiers, and opinion formers so everyone in the know knows.