The Urban League Young Professionals of Greater Pittsburgh (ULYP-Greater Pittsburgh), one of sixty-four chapters of the National Urban League Young Professionals (NULYP), is a volunteer auxiliary of the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh. ULYP’s purpose is to assemble Pittsburgh area professionals between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-nine committed to serving the region through activities that support the National Urban League’s Empowerment Goals. NUL launched I AM EMPOWERED, an initiative focusing on four aspirational goals for empowering communities to achieve in education, employment, housing, and healthcare, the cornerstones of our approach.
ULYP’s Mission
To support the Urban League of Greater Pittsburgh through volunteerism, philanthropy, and membership development.
ULYP’s Vision
To be the region’s leading young professional service organization, and to develop future leaders who contribute to the advancement of minority communities in the Greater Pittsburgh area.