Unternehmer-Schmiede was founded in 2016 by the two partners etventure and Kienbaum and has its headquarters in Hamburg.
Following the acquisition of etventure by EY, Unternehmer-Schmiede has been operating as an independent consultancy since mid-2017. Etventure, Kienbaum, EY, and Unternehmer-Schmiede are still working together in partnership.
Unternehmer-Schmiede supports SMEs and corporations in building and expanding digital entrepreneurial expertise in order to successfully meet the challenges of digitalization with "agile speedboats". To do this, we first look at the status quo in a company: What are concrete digitalization goals? What is the organizational setup and what digital competencies are already in place? On this basis, we derive the "people plan," i.e., which profiles are needed within the various digital initiatives, to what extent internal knowledge carriers can be identified and brought into the initiatives, and to what extent external know-how should be added.
Among other things, we use innovative methods to identify internal employees who accompany and drive digitalization projects and contribute internal knowledge & their own network. In addition, we develop individual learning journeys based on the competency profiles collected in order to close possible competency gaps in a focused manner. A win-win situation for all involved.
If you are interested in a chat with us, please contact us directly via kontakt@unternehmer-schmiede.de or visit our homepage at www.unternehmer-schmiede.de for more information.