The Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw is a public university that offers education in various fields of science: from humanities to natural sciences and for two years also in medicine. Twelve faculties offer a broad range of courses in 42 areas of study. Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University offers bachelor's, engineering, master's and postgraduate studies in both Polish and English. The University offers also The Doctoral School at UKSW which provides education in 12 disciplines.
The Cardinal Wyszynski University in Warsaw excels by experienced academic staff, innovative research projects and friendly atmosphere. The university currently has more than 10,000 students.
Apart from acquiring knowledge, students can realize their passions and broaden their interests in almost 60 student and doctoral scientific circles. Students also have the possibility to be awarded national scholarships at 19 Polish universities in the MOST student mobility program.
The University has a variety of scientific and didactic facilities. Classes are held in two modern campuses in Warsaw at Wóycickiego and Dewajtis streets. The university excels by offering almost 50 modern laboratories, a large sports hall and a recording studio.
The University employs 800 experienced lecturers and 400 administrative staff.