Our science is grounded in humanity.
The College of Agriculture and Life Sciences offers dynamic programs in the life and social sciences, with a focus on nutrition and food science, human and animal health, communication, entrepreneurship, sustainable and resilient communities, and the complex web of food systems. Explore our diverse portfolio of majors: Biochemistry, Community and International Development, Plant and Animal Sciences, Biology, Food Systems, Public Communication, Microbiology and Molecular Genetics to name a few.
Our rich array of internships and research experiences empowers students to become doers. We challenge students to push the boundaries of creativity and innovation, imparting the knowledge, skills, and values to become the next generation of informed citizens, thinkers and leaders. Our sciences are grounded in humanity for students who want to make a difference in the world.
HQ Location
106 Morrill Hall, 146 University Place
Burlington, Vermont 05405, US
Animal and Veterinary Sciences Department (ASCI)Community Development and Applied Economics (CDAE)Microbiology and Molecular Genetics Department (MMG)Nutrition and Food Sciences Department (NFS)Plant Biology Department (PBIO)Plant and Soil Science Department (PSS)Self-Designed MajorBiochemistry Integrated Program (BICM)Biological Science Integrated Program (BISC)Environmental Sciences Integrated Program (ENSC)