Unisense develop and manufacture sensors primary for microscale research in environmental and biomedical applications.
Unisense A/S was established in 1998 by a team of seven university scientists from the Department of Biology at the University of Aarhus in Denmark. Unisense A/S produces handmade microsensor mainly for environmental and biomedical research and has a track-record of more than 2000 peer-reviewed scientific publications using Unisense technology. Unisense possess a unique position in Aarhus with close collaboration with the local university but also a strong outreach to national and international universities giving access to recruitment of talented scientist and involvement in national and international collaboration projects. Over the year this has resulted in a continues expansion of our core microsensor business and seeding of new business opportunities resulting in multiple successful spinouts like www.unisense-environment.com , www.sulfilogger.com and Unisense Fertilitech A/S (now owned by Vitrolife).
The foundation of Unisense is producing microsensors for research. Unisense microsensors will provide you unprecedented spatial and temporal resolution in a wide range of samples and in environments starting at the deep-sea ocean floor to neurological research. For more information on applications and sensor types please visit www.unisense.com
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