UniPure has been removing metals from contaminated water since 1985. It’s what we do well. If a contaminant can be precipitated then UniPure has removed it from industrial wastewater, groundwater, leachate or surface impoundments.
During our 27 years we’ve seen what can and can’t be done. Knowing both is what sets UniPure apart.
Company Overview:
UniPure got its start licensing Unocal’s patented metals co-precipitation processes. As the industrial wastewater market matured UniPure evolved from process licensor, to system supplier, to build-own-operate contractor.
Since 1985, UniPure has delivered hundreds of enhanced metals removal systems to 40 different industries. Flow rates range from 200 gallon batches to 7,500 gpm.
Since 2009, UniPure has responded to our clients’ capital constraints with a clever rental approach. UniPure rents three different size clarifiers, supporting equipment, as well as complete 250+gpm treatment systems.
UniPure supplies proven process and equipment designs that ensure our clients’ compliance.