Uncover is a qualitative consumer research consultancy offering actionable consumer insights for growing consumer brands.
Uncover offers a customized approach for each and every project. Our innovative methods uncover key drivers of consumer behavior and result in clear, insightful implications that help move our clients’ businesses forward.
Uncover has experience with many groups of discerning customers. We’ve worked extensively with teens, Gen Y, Adults, Moms and Baby Boomers to name a few. We often look to Influencers within a category to best understand where customers are headed.
We don’t believe research has to take place in a focus group facility. We go into the customer’s world and invite them into ours, making them feel like they have a vested interest in the future of the brands we work for.
Our services include:
Concept Testing
Product Development
Brand Strategy
Store Design
Package Design
User Experience
Qual/Quant Validation
Our methods include:
Focus Groups
Shopping Studies
Online Interviews
Ideation/ Innovation
Customer Deep Dives
Peer Based Research
Journey Mapping
For more information or to discuss how we can help you gain actionable consumer insights, please contact us at samantha@uncoverresearch.com or at (415) 391-2494.