UmbraCity is Canada’s first innovative umbrella sharing service that will revolutionize your day in the rain. Originally founded by university friends, Amir Entezari and Babak Assadsangabi in the quest to finding a convenient and affordable solution to staying dry in Vancouver’s rainy city.
UmbraCity aims to ease the lives of others through a convenient and affordable service that can be shared amongst the community, while adding vibrancy and livability to the city through innovative technologies. It is your go-to solution on rainy days, eliminating your frustrations on getting coverage from the rain.
To better serve the community, UmbraCity transformed all kiosks and umbrellas to serve as creative and communicative platforms in the support of other businesses. UmbraCity provides space for creativity and growth through its sharing service.
Don’t let the rain stop you from striving for your goals.
Advertising Services, Electric Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution, Utilities
HQ Location
15 E 3rd Ave
Vancouver, British Columbia V5T 1C5, CA
Sharing EconomyAdvertisingConsumer Servicesand Amenityrental kioskrental kiosksnumber and pinumbrella rental kiosksrented umbrellaumbrella rental kiosk