The Ulmatec Insea segment originates in the acquisition of Baro Mek. Verksted, a company established in 1981 and integrated in the Ulmatec family in 2002 (Ulmatec Baro).
The product range contains Baro Source Float systems, Sub arrays, BarovanesTM, as well as a variety of Clamps, Sliders, Sheaves/Thimbles and other special designed products for Insea operation. Related handling systems are also a natural part of this product range, and through integration with the Ulmatec Handling segment the product range for onboard solutions are further increasing.
Continual development, testing of materials and an active working partnership with the seismic industry have paved the way to a dependable, highly advanced range of products, and we are proud to be a chosen supplier for clients with extremely high demands.
Ulmatec equipment are in daily use all over the seven seas.