Ukisho is a virtual community where minds gifted with the passion to learn the Science, Philosophy, and art of life engage in innovative social learning experiences to develop cognizance of what they want & need as well as actualize it by learning to know how to achieve it.
Ukisho is the world's first Invite-only, Meritocratic, Private-Stratas Enclosed, Social Learning Virtual Community free from all hierarchies dedicated to Zoilogy, (the study of life) that is fully run by volunteers.
Ukisho creates research-driven, ground-breaking social learning experiences where fellows participate to educate themselves about the essential domains of life through creative learning of Philosophy, Mental health, Sex Education. Politics. Culture, Music, etc from critical & profound perspectives with the commitment to the goal of solving challenges and living the happiest possible life.
Ukisho celebrates the humanhood and all fellows of Ukisho are the drivers of help & support to each other profoundly driven by compassion, kindness & empathy to be co-passengers in the journey of learning & growing together.