The Exponent is the student-managed newspaper at the University of Wisconsin-Platteville. It is published weekly to serve the university community as a news medium and as a forum in which to express opinion. The Exponent is published on Thursday, except during university holidays and vacations. It is written, edited and managed solely by university students, who are solely responsible for all decisions.
Publication began on Oct. 22, 1889, and has been continuous since November 1900.
The Exponent is partially supported by student fees that are paid when registering for classes at the university. The Exponent’s allocation is determined by SUFAC, the Student Unsegregated Fee Allocation Commission.
The newspaper is distributed free across campus and in select downtown retail outlets, and is online at Any student interested in working for the Exponent may do so, although competence must be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the executive staff and adviser.