The UVM Institute for Agroecology (IFA) is seeding more equitable and sustainable food systems. Our current food system, dominated by industrial agriculture, is a leading cause of climate change, biodiversity loss, health and diet related disease and inequity. Agroecology is a people-powered way of transforming food and farming systems to regenerate the environment, cool the planet and provide good, healthy food for all.
The Institute for Agroecology will take a systems approach to engage with these problems, challenging the status quo by centering equity, participation and social transformation in our work. Through research, learning, action and connecting across geographies, the IFA mobilizes knowledge to nurture agroecology research, practice and movements. We bring together leading researchers, farmers, organizers, and experts to build healthier, more sustainable and just food systems in Vermont and around the globe.
As an academic institute and center for action and learning, our work is grounded in a participatory action research approach. That means that we do research with and for farmers, Indigenous people, movements and communities who are driving just transitions in food systems. We are committed to anti-racism and equity in our work and aim to partner with students, collaborators and funders to join our work to deepen and grow the field of agroecology.