USP Marketing Consultancy drives succes of manufacturers in construction, installation and home improvement through innovative research & insights.
Our mission is to drive growth and competitiveness in construction through insightful research and innovative solutions; USP Marketing Consultancy is specialized in the construction, DIY, installation, home improvement and real estate market.
We are a Dutch-based specialized market research agency, founded in 1993. USP Marketing Consultancy is heavily working internationally and has various subsidiaries (Arch-Vision, BouwKennis and BauInfoConsult). USP has branches in Zagreb and Dusseldorf.
For exclusive one-on-one researches, you could take a look at:
Several key insights can be found here:
If you would like to know more about the quarterly multi-client reports, that can be found via:
The USP of USP Marketing Consultancy is our market specialisation which makes us more than just a reliable fact collector. Because we are specialised, we provide key insights and advice instead of data.