The USO doesn’t save lives. It doesn’t repair broken bodies or build prosthetics. What we do is enhance the quality of life for countless active duty military members and their families with offerings that might not otherwise be affordable or available to them. Junior enlisted ranks do not earn high incomes but are frequently the ones called to do the most dangerous work of the military. Long deployments take their toll on all military family members. The USO is there, on military bases, in airports, and in every theater in which there is a conflict. There is no way to gauge the long term impact of our services other than this: Every USO employee has multiple stories of being stopped by grateful service people who express sometimes tearful appreciation for a hot cup of coffee, a kind word, a Skype opportunity to witness the birth of a new baby, or a holiday party that takes the edge off the absence of a deployed mom or dad. We need them. They need us. We need you.