USC Sea Grant

USC Sea Grant specializes in Higher Education with 2 employees
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About USC Sea Grant
The Sea Grant Program at the University of Southern California (USC) in Los Angeles is part of the national network of 34 programs under the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA)’s National Sea Grant College Program. It is a federal-state-university partnership that integrates research, education, and outreach with a specific focus on the ‘Urban Ocean’ and solving issues arising out of managing people and natural resources in an intensely urban and developed coastline. USC Sea Grant funds marine and coastal research, communicates research results to leaders in government and local communities, and is a leader in integrating current research with new education initiatives to increase science literacy among urban students and to encourage teachers to adopt science education curricula. USC Sea Grant is recognized as a leader in coastal hazard planning, training, and technical assistance.
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Higher Education
HQ Location
3551 Trousdale Pkwy Los Angeles, California 90089, US
marine educatioenvironmental literacycoastal resilience planninghealth coastal ecosystemswater qualitymaritime affairsports and transportatioclimate change scienceclimate change adaptatio
USC Sea Grant Location
  • 3551 Trousdale Pkwy Los Angeles, California 90089, US

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