UCI's Donald Bren School of Information & Computer Sciences (ICS) began as a pioneering academic department in 1968. In 2002, the department became the first school of its kind in the UC system. It was named for its benefactor, Donald Bren, in 2004.
The school includes three departments: computer science, informatics and statistics. Undergraduate students have an opportunity to pursue degrees in computer science, informatics, computer game science, software engineering, business information management, computer science and engineering, and data science. This diverse selection of majors enable students to gain in-depth knowledge of information and computer sciences while developing an understanding of the broad reach of the ever-changing discipline. The school enrolls more than 2,000 undergraduate students and more than 400 graduate students each year.
As the only computing-focused school in the UC system, ICS has been a leader in computer science and information technology through its innovative and broad curricula, research and development of emerging technologies, and collaborations that address societal issues. The school is committed to ensuring excellence through inclusion, producing a diverse, educated workforce for advancing technology, stimulating the economy and transferring new technology into the public realm to advance quality of life.
Faculty and graduate students are leaders in their fields, regularly obtaining competitive corporate and federal extramural grants, writing textbooks, publishing influential journal articles and participating in conferences and workshops around the globe. Building on a strong foundation of computer science fundamentals, the Bren School conducts highly interdisciplinary, cutting-edge research in a breadth of fields. Many faculty members and graduate students work on projects in biological and health sciences, engineering, social sciences, arts, humanities, education, business and law.