WEATHER MATTERS: We have revolutionized meteorology and weather forecasting using leading-edge, proprietary AI technology to provide businesses with weather insights for more safety and efficiency, customized to their needs and systems.
Scientists and IT specialists process 100 TB of data daily and distill them into highly precise, relevant and scalable weather insights as a reliable decision base. As global innovation leader, leading insurers and energy providers, infrastructure operators, media and sports companies to champions of the new economy rely on us.
UBIMET was founded by a chemist and a meteorologist more than 15 years ago. Today, additionally to locations in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, USA and Australia, nowcast GmbH and MeteoNews AG are part of the UBIMET Group. Our portals UWZ-Unwetterzentrale, and the Morecast app complete our portfolio.
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Environmental Consulting Services, Professional Services Sector, Optical measuring equipment, Optical equipment & instruments, Precision Equipment, Vehicles - Telematics, Wetterstationen, Wetterinformationssysteme, Weather Measurement, Environmental Measuring Technique
HQ Location
Donau-City-Straße 11
Severe Weather WarningsEvent Weather ServicesLightning Detection SystemProfessional Weather ServicesWeather forecastingMeteorologyGolf WeatherAviation WeatherAirport WeatherInsurance Weather