Two Rivers Software Training

Two Rivers Software Training specializes in Professional Training and Coaching with 2 employees
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About Two Rivers Software Training
Two Rivers Software Training specialises in delivering onsite Microsoft Office training to groups of staff in large organisations, small to medium businesses as well as private 1-on-1 tuition to individuals. Our certified experts will help you slash hours from your daily tasks, boost your confidence and dramatically improve your company's bottom line and each individual's workplace value. We uncover the secrets within the powerful programs you use every day like like Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, Publisher and Project. Whatever level you're at and whatever your situation we can take your skills to the next level. Based on the Gold Coast in sunny Queensland, we serve customers as far as Byron Bay to the south, Maryborough to the north and Toowoomba to the west. As onsite specialists we offer you the following advantages: 1. You don't need to travel. We come to you. 2. You just need to provide a room. We'll bring the computers, power cables and projector. 3. Course content and training manuals can be completely customised for your group. 4. Ongoing support is included. it’s not an extra.
Year Founded
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Professional Training and Coaching
HQ Location
PO Box 1354 Southport BC, QLD 4215, AU
Microsoft ExcelMicrosoft WordMicrosoft PowerpointMicrosoft OutlookMicrosoft AccessMicrosoft ProjectMicrosoft PublisherMicrosoft trainingand Computer courses
Two Rivers Software Training Location
  • PO Box 1354 Southport BC, QLD 4215, AU

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Two Rivers Software Training specializes in the Professional Training and Coaching field