The "Stichting Basketbal Academy Twente" has restarted. The name we use to communicate with all stakeholders is "Twente Basketball"
Our Purpose statement:
Basketball where passionate talents can develop their potential both athletically and socially.
Our Mission:
From Twente we want to lay a foundation in which we unite sports clubs, education, business, government and social institutions to guide passionate talents through basketball in athletic and social development with respect for and trust in each other.
Our Vision
Twente premier league basketball teams that are sustainably and widely supported to compete at the international level.
Become a follower. Be part of this community, join us to build up a community
The overarching goal of Twente Basketball is to elevate basketball in the Twente region to the highest European competition levels. We aim to achieve this by fostering an ecosystem that nurtures homegrown talent and cultivates a dedicated staff within the Twente community. Our vision is to draw from a diverse pool of basketball players, providing them with a supportive, stimulating, and secure environment to thrive and excel in their athletic pursuits.
To realize our vision and overarching goal, likened to the peak of a pyramid, we recognize the importance of laying a solid foundation. In pursuit of this foundation, Twente Basketball has carefully chosen three primary projects:
• Empowering Young Athletes Through Basketbal.
• Expanding Access to Basketball in Communities.
• Knowledge Transfer and Development Support