More and more people are turning to consignment in these tough economic times. Whether you are looking to buy or sell, Turn Style has high standards of customer service, and quality inventory. Come check us out to see why our customers and consignors keep coming back.
Turn Style Stores will take in your quality clothing and accessories and sell them for you. When the items sell, you receive a portion of the selling price. Items that are cute, current and clean sell the best. We carry great labels at great prices. While other shops pay you cash on the spot, they can only pay you 10-15% of the selling price, whereas we can pay you 45% because you are receiving a portion of the selling price. Our Store Credit option pays 55%! It may take longer, but in the end you make so much more money.
Whether you are buying a new home, moving, downsizing or simply replacing previously loved furniture, Turn Style can help you out. If you are looking to resell a piece of furniture, bring it to the Turn Style Home Store located nearest you or we will arrange to have it picked up for a fee. If you find something you would like to purchase at a Turn Style Consignment Store that you are unable to move yourself, we will arrange to have it delivered for a fee. From tables, to lamps, to rugs and mirrors we accept most all items that are often used to furnish or decorate a home.
While other shops pay you cash on the spot, they can only pay you 10-15% of the selling price, whereas we can pay you 45% because you are receiving a portion of the selling price. Our Store Credit option pays 55%! It may take longer, but in the end you make so much more money.