Founded in 1995, Tully is a member of the Professional Development Group of Companies, and provides professional legal recruitment services to the legal profession both private practice and in-house with a particular focus on China and Hong Kong. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong, Tully is recognised by clients, candidates and the legal recruitment industry itself as a market leader and for its high levels of professionalism in the delivery of its client and candidate services. Tully’s focus on recruitment in China is well known. It was the first overseas legal recruiter to be awarded a license to operate in China by the Government of the People’s Republic of China and is a pioneer in the development of the legal recruitment industry in the PRC. Between them, Tully’s team of experienced consultants have an impressive track record of placements including associates, partners, teams, legal counsel and general counsel. Its clients include international and leading domestic law firms, multinationals, banks and financial institutions. Tully works closely with other members of the Professional Development Group in providing recruitment solutions connected to expansion and other key law firm strategies.