Expect the best for yourself. And more of us. We manage and accompany you legally -private and / or business. With high interdisciplinary competence and know-how from many years of experience. As well as, in all cases, very committed and personally on the way to the intended solution. Tschümperlin Lötscher Schwarz is one of the leading legal practices in Central Switzerland.
Tschümperlin Lötscher Schwarz is one of the largest law firms in Central Switzerland. Thanks to this large and exceptionally well-qualified team, we have both the breadth and the depth of expertise required to provide first-class legal services to our clients. A feature of our firm is that we work together in specialist practice groups – helping us to ensure that we fulfil our service promise.
Law Practice, Business management consultants, Services to businesses, Business Services, Lawyers
HQ Location
Löwenstrasse 3
Luzern, 6004, CH
ArbeitVerträge / Haftpflicht / VersicherungenVerträge / Ehe / PartnerschaftErbrecht / VorsorgeGesellschaften / UnternehmenSteuernVerwaltung / Staat / VergabenStrafrecht / StrassenverkehrUrheberrecht / Markenschutz / WettbewerbProzesse / Verfahren / Insolvenz