The Trustless Computing Association is a non-profit association based in Zurich, Switzerland, pursuing the creation of leading-edge IT security and privacy standards, certifications, and technologies for the public good.
We have aggregated world-class partners and advisors to promote the establishment of a new uniquely comprehensive standard-setting and certification body for IT security, through a wide multi-disciplinary and multi-stakeholder consensus, and an initial compliant IT service and open computing base, through the spin-off startup TRUSTLESS.AI.
Such new standards and certifications are conceived to be suitable to reliably certify end-2-end IT services that sustainably provide radically-unprecedented levels of IT and AI trustworthiness, and trustworthiness measurability – for the most critical societal IT, AI, and cyber-physical systems – while preserving or increasing targeted cyber-investigation capabilities, preventing malevolent use, and overall increasing public safety.
We organize around the World a conference series to promote such new paradigms and certifications body: