Trusted Partners provides hands-on professional ESG Risk Management & Impact Advice across Africa. The Partners have extensive experience assessing and managing ESG risks and impacts across the continent in all major sectors on-behalf of investors, development finance institutions and businesses. Our in-depth understanding of ESG risks and impacts coupled with our extensive knowledge of the Equator Principles, International Finance Corporation (IFC) Performance Standards, World Bank Environmental and Social Safeguards, European Bank For Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Performance Requirements, and the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) Environmental and Social Safeguards as well as other International Development Financial Institutions Standards, and country specific environmental and social related regulations across Africa and Middle East make us Trusted Advisors to our clients.
Environmental & Social Impact Assessments
Environmental & Social Risk Management Advisory
Environmental & Social Management Systems
Environmental & Social Strategic Planning
ISO 14001 & ISO 45001
Environmental & Social Governance Advisory
Environmental & Social Due Diligence
Equator Principles Assurance
IFC Performances Standards Assurance
World Bank Environmental & Social Safeguards Assurance
EIB/EBRD Performance Requirements Assurance
DBSA Performance Requirements Assurance
Lenders ESG/ESRM Technical Advisor
Critical Habitats & Biodiversity Assessments
Climate Change Risk Assessment
Stakeholder Engagement
Resettlement Action Plans & Livelihood Improvement Plans
Environmental, Health & Safety Performance & Compliance Assurance
Environmental, Health & Safety Site Assessments