Trusted Advisors Group, is a leading consulting, research and professional services group. We offer tailor-made solutions and services to our clients during the different phases of their project life cycles. Our added value is based on the responsiveness and the relevance of our services that offer customised solutions taking into account the constraints and pre-requisites of each client’s ecosystem. Trusted Advisors has more than 150 clients in the Middle East and Africa region (40% Financial Sector, 20% Telecom, 40% Industry & Public Sectors). Among our customers (Multinational organizations): Microsoft, Nokia / Alcatel Lucent, Société Generale, Infosys, Schneider Electric, BNP Parisbas, Vivo Energy / Shell, Wincor Nixdorf, Air Liquide, Carrefour, United Nations Development Program (UNDP), Accenture … as well as several Regional Corporations in the Middle East and Africa such as: Bankmed (Lebanon), BLC Bank (Lebanon), Royal Jordanian (Jordan), Jawaal (Palestine), Umniah (Jordan), Turk Telekom (Turkey), Banque Atlantique (Ivory Coast), Bank of Africa (Senegal), Avea (Turkey), Algeria Gulf Bank (Algeria), Lydec / Lyonnaise des Eaux (Morocco), Tunisie Telecom (Tunisia), Association Professionnelle des Banques (Niger), Senelec (Senegal), Bank Al Maghrib (Morocco), Banque BCH (Congo), Banque Centrale Populaire (Morocco), Mauritel (Mauritania), Banque Nationale de Mauritanie (Mauritania), Banque Nationale Agricole (Tunisia), Commercial Bank (Cameroun), Caisse de Dépôt et de Gestion (Morocco), Centre Monétique Interbancaire (Morocco), Compagnie Ouest Africaine de Crédit Bail (Senegal), Eqdom (Morocco), Garanti Bank (Turkey), Vivalis (Morocco), Wafasalaf (Morocco)