"All the flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today." Indian proverb.
Based at our Seed Centre at Kilclief in Co Down, staff and volunteers welcome visitors.
Our mission is to preserve, in our seed bank, seeds of native-origin wild flowers, shrubs, trees and crop wild relatives of Ireland; for the purposes of preservation, conservation, education, research and to enhance understanding and appreciation.
We also conserve useful and culturally interesting vegetable, agricultural and industrial varieties for eg. flax.
It's a Seed Bank, not a museum! So appropriate amounts of seed from the collections are available upon request to bona fide individuals and organisations for restoration and research projects.
We began in 2015, collecting seeds of our native origin wild flora and now hold over 400 collections.
Seeds are dried down to a critical relative humidity and stored in deep cold storage. The collections are catalogued and include DNA samples, photos, herbarium specimens and essential data.
Collections are made using strict protocols and permissions, so native populations and their environments are not harmed.
We are involved in several projects to save endangered species with the kind assistance of DAERA, NIEA, local landowners and partner organisations.
With seed donations from our landowner partners, we have been able to grow row crops at Kilclief and harvest wild flower seeds for sale online.
In this way provide a source of native-Irish-origin seed for growers and gardeners. We sell gardeners size packets of native wild flower seed as well as green manures, vegetable, herb seeds online: To browse visit www.trueharvestseeds.org/shop.
By supporting True Harvest Seeds, you are supporting our native flora and thus the fauna that depends on it now and into the future.
Registered with and in conversion to organic with the Soil Association.
Contact us on 07516264888 or info@trueharvestseeds.org
True Harvest Seeds is a registered charity NIC100201