Triad Health

Triad Health specializes in Wellness and Fitness Services
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About Triad Health
Triad Health was set up to give Therapists the support and training that they need to develop their careers and to help them provide exceptional care for their patients. Although the company is relatively new, there is no lack of experience driving it, with Andy Byrne the founder having had 14 year experience as a Physiotherapist, 10 of which has been spent in private practice. Andy worked his way from being a Physio to being the Area Manager for 15 practices for one of the largest Physio providers in the UK, managing over 100 people. Like most Therapists, Andy joined the profession to help people, and this passion for helping continues now with Triad Health. His mission is that every Physio, Sports Therapist, and Massage Therapist in the world will have accessed a Triad Health course in the next 10 years! He wants to help improve the quality of Therapy across the globe so that patients get amazing care every time and Therapists reach their personal goals. The courses will be a little different and will be available online, and in person, to make them as accessible as possible for as many Therapists as possible. Triad Health is also involved with recruitment and consultancy to continue to help Therapists and Therapy business owners reach their goals.
Year Founded
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Wellness and Fitness Services
HQ Location
. Manchester, Greater Manchester ., GB
HealthcareTrainingRecruitmentConsultancyPhysiotherapySports TherapyMassagePrivate Practice
Triad Health Location
  • . Manchester, Greater Manchester ., GB

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