We're Denisse y Jimena, certified Health Coaches by the Institute for Integrative Nutrition de NY - EEUU, each one with a unique personality, experiences and taste, but united by our love for healthy nutrition and lifestyle and we partnered to create health coaching plans that will help you achieve your best version, healthier and happier.
We'll help you unblock your potential to maximize your performance in any area that is related to your overall health. This includes, but doesn't limit to, nutrition.
We will not tech you, but help you learn for yourself, which will make these new health, nutrition and well being practices that you are learning, last over time so you can apply them everyday without problems, without momorizing for certain time to forget them afterwards.
TriSanna isn't only about diets, but about Health Coaching in health, nutrition and well being; we will not give you a nutrition plan or a diet, but will teach you how to make the right and best choices for yourself.
¡Welcome to TriSanna!
- Denisse & Jimena -