Transformational Initiatives is committed to: People, Knowledge, & Resource Transformation for sustainable development.
TI facilitates people transformation through field-based educational programs including:
GO ED. Africa (in Rwanda) & GO ED. Mekong (in Thailand) are our semester study abroad programs are focused on transforming the next generation to own and end poverty through rigorous and locally relevant academic curriculum, cross-cultural learning environments, shared life in community, guided Christian spiritual formation, and a supervised four-week service learning practicum (
These programs are available for full credit transfer at many universities and colleges across the U.S. through InterVarsity Study abroad.
Graduate Programs Platform (GPP) in Rwanda, hosting graduate degree programs from Christian universities and building local capacity in educators and institutions. By creating a shared infrastructure we reduce the risk and cost of missional Christian higher educational capacity-building initiatives and make graduate education accessible with scholarships for qualified local candidates.
TI facilitates knowledge transformation through conferences, research and publication initiatives, seeking ways to assess and promote Kingdom alignment and deepen impact of transformational development.