Can you afford not to train your staff?
We offer sales training which will add real, tangible value to your bottom line, whilst making your daily work more satisfying, and your team happier and more motivated.
We try to put ourselves in the buyers shoes, so we can truly understand the products and services they need and want to make their lives and businesses better.
By a process of collaboration, consultation and empathy, rather than conflict, our delegates will form a relationship with their prospects of equality and mutual reward
During our courses, we’ll talk all about the traditional, solution based sales techniques, and adapt them with some psychological ideas and processes to make sure your customers feel they’re being “worked with” rather than “sold to”. It’s much better to be a trusted consultant, than a sales person!
We also use a process of repetition and ongoing reinforcement to ensure you develop and improve your skills slowly but surely after your initial intensive coaching sessions.
What we don’t do, is make any of our delegates uncomfortable or tense during our sessions. We want you to learn, enjoy and be motivated to practice the techniques we give you in your own time and in your workplace. Therefore we won’t video anything, and we won’t be doing any live sales calls to put you on the spot. We are well aware that people don’t perform naturally, or to their strengths when they have a classroom of peers watching them. All our practice sessions and discussions are done in informal groups to enable the delegates to contribute as much or as little as they feel comfortable to do. The best performing delegate at a training session is rarely the best performing sales person in the field!
For more information about how “Training Sales People” can help you, your colleagues, and your business feel better about themselves, whilst losing less and winning more, contact us for a free, no obligation consultation.